
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Austrilian City ‘Rockhampton’ Floods braces for more

OCKHAMPTON, Australia – Floods that have cut air, rail and road links to an Australian coastal city are now threatening its sewage plant, and waters are still expected to rise another few feet before peaking Wednesday.Residents of Rockhampton made their way in boats through waters that reached waist-high in some areas Tuesday but were warned not to wade into the them since snakes and crocodiles could be lurking.A huge inland sea spawned by more than a week of heavy rain across Queensland state is making its way along the Fitzroy River toward the ocean — and Rockhampton lies in the way. As waters drain, the city of 75,000 people is expected to see flood levels rise another few feet (half-meter) by Wednesday.

The river has already burst its banks, inundating houses and businesses in waters ranging from a few inches (centimeters) to waist-deep. Up to 500 people who live along the river have evacuated their homes. Air and rail links to the city were cut and only one main road remained open.Adding to the woes, Rockhampton Mayor Brad Carter said Tuesday the floodwaters were threatening Rockhampton's sewage treatment plants and officials may seek to discharge some effluent directly into the swollen river system. He said this would only occur away from the city, and that the discharged sewage would be highly diluted and would not pose a health risk.

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